The Services Provided To Customers
Tap the car to see driver and car rating
Settle on reasonable prices, before requesting.
All the information relating to the ride the car and the driver.
Lets us know how you feel about your experiences using the app.
Select a package type to deliver
Could be a motorcycle, a car, van or a truck.
Indicate where you want the package to be picked up from, and where it should be delivered.
Make payments using a means comfortable to you.
Our mission is to make your movement much easier. With our app, you can either request a ride to the general pool of ride providers around you or YOU CAN PICK A RIDE ON THE MAP. Yes, you can make that direct request.
ABOVE ALL, WE DO NOT CHARGE ANY FEE! YES! So your fares will be reasonably affordable.
We've added delivery service to the platform, more ways to simplify your life.
The Service Providers
Sign up with you mobile number
Browse through new orders and accept
Browse through accepted orders and navigate to deliver
Navigate using google maps to deliver packages
Contact the receiver through phone call.
Track your earnings.